What is it to be afraid of Nothing? How blind must we be? And to what?

Staying put... it's such a magical thing. (Or some Magi's cheap trick?)

There are words everywhere, and people ever there to say them! This hiking trail sign must see gazillions of eyes upon it each decade or so. It does not stand in for every group's discussion on where next to go, but its presence might represent their voices for us.

I am here & now, every here & now! All there is to me scurries behind mine eyes. So much more than immediate, all my thoughts and experiences and plans. And the congenitally accidental truths to my life are timeless -- not before or after or even now, but present. Solid and intrinsic -- not capable of coming and going, for their definition disallows this.

Do we ever describe instances? Or rather, instant states of eternal being?

....why are you? Here?

-L (7/1/13)

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